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How to Maximize the Impact of Your Research Through Relationship Building

In order to make the most of your research, building rapport with stakeholders sits at the core of any work you do.

This downloadable list of tips will help you craft more engaging shareouts, invite the right people to presentations, and better ensure your insights affect the wider organization.

Don’t let your research collect dust

Learn how to better connect with your stakeholders, get them bought into the research process, and help your work make waves.

The downloadable includes...

✔ How to interview the people you want to influence

Interviewing decision makers helps you identify which projects belong in the upcoming roadmap. Get ideas for what questions to ask and how to approach your shareout.

✔ Tactics for crafting personalized readouts

The farther up you go on the corporate ladder, the less time people have to spend with you. Personalization becomes crucial when inviting influential stakeholders. Learn how to make your shareouts as engaging as possible.

✔ Tips for inviting the right people

The more the right people come to your sessions, the more potential impact your research will have. Get ideas for who to invite and how to use their time wisely.

✔ How to make your insights actionable

You can and should help executives and leaders understand the insights in-depth and help them craft the right solutions. Learn how to properly distribute your insights across the org and follow up on the next steps.


Download your copy of "Maximize the Impact of Your Research Through Relationship Building"