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November 29th at 1 PM EST / 10 AM PST

How KEEN uses research to build deeper connections with customers

Join Aura Nelson as she shares how KEEN is using research to foster innovation, match customers' high expectations, and drive business growth.

During the webinar, you willl..

Learn how KEEN keeps customer insights and feedback at the core of their product development process, from initial concept to validation

Hear how Aura built a cross-functional process to work with product, marketing, design, and merchandising to achieve business objectives

See how KEEN runs multimodal research with dscout to iterate on and respond to customer insights, turning one-time buyers into potential lifelong advocates

Meet our speakers

Aura Nelson

Director of Fan (Consumer) Insights
@ Keen

Stevie Watts Headshot

Colleen Pate

Customer and Community Marketing Manager
@ dscout

Can't attend live? No problem—register and we'll send a replay after the webinar ends!