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Meet dscout at Config 2024

We’re thrilled to sponsor Config from June 26—27
at the Moscone Center in San Fransisco, CA.

Be sure to stop by our booth to grab swag, chat, or just say hi! — and catch dscout’s CEO Michael Winnick on stage Thursday, June 27th.

JUNE 26TH | 5:30PM — 8:30PM PT

Come network & connect during our Leadership Happy Hour

This event is completely filled up and no longer accepting RSVPs.

JUNE 27TH | 12PM — 12:15PM PT

Then, catch us on stage

Join us on Day 2 at Figma Theater where dscout’s CEO Michael Winnick will give a talk on How dscout Makes Continuous Research a Breeze

In the session, he'll cover...

  • How dscout makes it easy to ensure consistent, quality research across the entire team

  • Tips for crafting engaging shareouts with video clips and key metrics

  • Strategies for mixing methods to gather a full range of insights

Looking to learn more about dscout?

Book a meeting with our onsite team
and get a portable speaker!