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Approach AI with Confidence

15 Things UXRs Can Do Today to Research and Leverage GenAI

With organizations jumping on GenAI, UXRs have to juggle between fast deadlines, understanding and utilizing this profound technology, and even the ethics behind using these tools.

To help you navigate these tensions, we created a list of 15 things to consider as you incorporate GenAI into your work.

Keep for long-term reference

GenAI moves fast so we created an asset that's more than just a one-time read-through. Keep it on hand as you research and build GenAI tools.

What you'll find inside

Strategies for persuading the importance of research

Get a better understanding of where you should step in and what user questions you should ask during product development.

Guidelines for the ethical use of AI

Explore how companies like Nokia, Microsoft, and IBM are approaching AI ethics and get tips for defining what "ethics" means to you and your organization.

Tactics for staying up-to-date with GenAI

AI is moving quickly and it's important to keep up. Inside you'll find guidebooks and suggested spaces to continue learning about this tech.

Methods to try when exploring GenAI

We share a variety of methods and tools you can explore to help you deliver more insights faster.

“This is a trend that's going to happen. Either we can play a role in helping to guide and shape it and answer teams’ questions, or they're gonna get their answers in other ways.”

- Michael Winnick
CEO, dscout