Bayer: Inspiring Empathy and New Product Design
How Bayer's Front-End Innovation (FEI) Team uses dscout for remote research to find and share real consumer experiences across their org.

"More than ever before, we’re striving for consumer-led innovation...Tools like dscout allow us to walk that walk, and actually not only want to do that, but actually do that, by truly understanding the consumers we serve."
Front-End Innovation Lead on Consumer Health Design & Packaging, Bayer
Bayer used Dscout for general exploration.
Bill has designed and conducted dozens of cross-functional workshops to generate innovation ideas for Bayer's global consumer health brands, from pain to allergy to dermatology. In search of continuous improvement, Bill and his team regularly seek and try new ways to engage internal stakeholders to "walk in the shoes" of consumers.
As a member of Bayer’s global Design & Packaging team, he engages in many discussions with designers and UX colleagues about how to bring the perspectives of real consumers to Bayer's innovation pipeline. Bill uses dscout to more deeply understand the spirit of empathetic research.
After a successful dscout pilot project focused on pain issues and management, Bill's team onboarded a dscout subscription to enable a range of agile empathy, use, and pain-point explorations for brands across a variety of categories.
”[The work] we’ve been doing with dscout allowed our scouts or consumers to get intimate but remain anonymous,” Bill explains. “This way, they’re still able to share their real experiences without hesitation and with confidence.’”
Most recently, Bill’s team has leveraged dscout Live to enable direct group interactions—like Q&A sessions—with consumers.