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Find the right people, right away.

dscout makes sourcing quality participants easy, bringing your insights to life with real people.

Quality makes the difference

Reduce no-shows, increase completes, and capture more expressive responses with the industry’s most active and engaged participant pool. In fact, we call our participants "Scouts" because they're held to a higher standard.

Keep your options open

Enjoy 3 flexible options to find people for your study:
Hand pick the best fit candidates, speed things up with auto-recruitment (using 60+ targeting attributes), or bring your own users with easy invite links.

Committed to data integrity

Each and every Scout in our community is vetted and verified against our "Scout Standards," providing industry-leading transparency and control to reduce data surprises.

Relish Works recruited a nationally-representative sample of food service workers to run over 400 two-minute interviews in a matter of days.

Recruitment tools to spend less time searching

AI expressiveness filtering

Video and screen recording

Fast turnarounds

Powerful targeting (60+ attributes)

Bring your own sample

Hand pick or auto-recruit

Demographic diversity balancing

Seamlessly add to studies

Panel management made easy

Need to run recurring research on your own audience? We can help there too. Private Panels saves you 40% on admin time with auto-fatigue settings and more.

Next Up

Run research on your timeline

You've picked your audience, now it's time to build your study. And dscout helps you run research whenever, however, and wherever you need.