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Scale Your Research's Impact With Data Vizualization

In this workshop, Nick Cawthon explores how data visualization can make your research insights more impactful. Plus, he walks us through an exercise you can use to get started.

Featuring Nick Cawthon, Ben Wiedmaier

The most effective qualitative research isn't over when a study is complete.

It's analyzed, visualized, and socialized across stakeholders—so the takeaways help guide your org or your customers.

Data visualization is a crucial (and often underutilized) way to ensure your research has the impact it deserves.

In this free remote workshop, we'll take you through how to validate and expand upon your findings—with publicly available tools for data visualization.

From DIY methods to working with data-viz pros, the presentation and worksheet will help you find and highlight the most meaningful findings from your research activities.

In this remote workshop, Nick:

  • Introduces ways to approach and structure open-ended data
  • Explores models for mapping, synthesizing, and/or making sense of those data
  • Outlines strategies for working with data-centric teams or customers

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