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8 Ways Vodafone Amplifies Research Impact with Dscout

From reinventing workflows to sparking excitment with stakeholders, learn how Dscout changed the game for Vodafone

When working in a global organization with reach, surfacing research insights is more important than ever.

In this resource, see how the Digital Experience team from Vodafone’s Consumer Product and Services division reinvented their use of insights to maximize the impact of their research.

Learn how Vodafone leveraged dscout to…

✔Experiment with research methodologies

Explore how Vodafone used Dscout to test new research methods, take on new types of projects, and engage their customers globally.

✔Further investigate questions through unmoderated tools

See how they were able to take interview questions and scale them with surveys. Giving stakeholders the quantitative data they're looking for while ensuring consistency by using the same questions asked in moderated interviews.

✔Earn stakeholder buy-in

Learn how they were able to bring stakeholders into the research process, add them as collaborators in the Dscout platform, and inspire them to watch sessions outside of shareouts.

✔ Double check any identified patterns

Get tips on how to use Dscout to gain confidence and test your theories with larger groups of people before making any large product changes.

8 Ways Vodafone Used Dscout to amplify research impact

Get your stakeholders engaged AND excited about research

See how Vodafone introduced new research methodologies, shared insights across the organization, and created a well-oiled research machine with Dscout.

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