Scout Management: Remind, Redirect, Reward
3 ways to improve your research participants' submissions.
Feedback is invaluable in many circumstances. Dare I say most circumstances? That’s what we ask scouts for in each study. But receiving your feedback is just as important to them.
Giving participants your input on the quality and content of their entries is crucial to getting useful data and crucial in showing scouts their valuable opinions are being heard.
Here are a few examples of short, quick messages to scouts that can make a big difference for your data.
Remind message
“Ryan, today’s the day! Don’t forget to submit a total of 5 entries TONIGHT so you'll get an invite to M3 and stay in the running for $50. Have an awesome Saturday, hopefully full of shopping with technology :)”
Redirect message
“Hi Amanda, We got our signals crossed a bit about the video portion of your submission. It's really important that you narrate your videos for the full 30 seconds as you show us your office, so we get a full understanding of what we're seeing. Before we move you through to Mission 2, we need you to re-submit your entries with 30 second, narrated videos. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks!”
“Thanks for getting your first entry in, Oscar! We loved hearing your first impressions and commentary on the box you received. Keep up the great work! :)”
Have you ever been a scout? It’s hard work!
We know what else is hard: Running remote research with lots of participants!
Don’t let communication (or the lack thereof) be the Achilles heel in your dscout research project. Sending quick notes to your respondents is a small act that goes a long way, and is sure to get your scouts motivated to do great work for you.
Want more advice from a research advisor on your mobile studies? Check out how to keep your scouts motivated in our 101 on Scout Messaging: The Short and Sweet of It.
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